Thursday, December 20, 2012

Checking Things Off

Whew!  It has been one busy week.  I feel like I haven't sat down, other than in the car for carpool or running errands or while at the sewing machine, in days.  I have been going almost non-stop to try and get all the things done on my never-ending To Do list.  A friend at church told me on Sunday she was worried and stressed for me when she saw the extent of the infamous list.  She also kindly and rightly suggested I should cut a few things from the list.  So, after almost a week of being incommunicado while diligently working through my "To Do" items I thought I would give those of you keeping track of me a little update on my progress.

1.  Put up Christmas tree.  COMPLETE

2.  Finish Christmas shopping.  85% COMPLETE

3.  Bake goodies for the church bake sale.  COMPLETE  For those who care I made two gorgeous pecan pies for the bake sale that, I am happy to report, were sold before church even started.

4.  Complete my continuing education hours.  PARTIALLY COMPLETE I have completed 10 Hours since last I wrote, all "in person" hours.  That leaves 22 left to go.  That's a lot I know but I can do them all online.

5.  Finish the girls Christmas dresses.  Sorry to report these are still in the works.  

6.  Make the 'big kids' new Christmas pajamas.  COMPLETE  Pajama day at school was today and all the pajamas were finished.  Unfortunately, after all my hard work John David refused to wear his.  The twins wore theirs though and were very happy about it.

7.  Make Ella's Christmas tutu.  COMPLETE

8.  Make Ella's princess spelling wand.  IN PROCESS

9.  Finish and mail Christmas cards.  IN PROCESS  Hopefully these will be finished tonight.

10.  Wrap, wrap, wrap.  85% COMPLETE  Basically everything we have so far is wrapped.  All I lack is what I bought online and is in transit to us.

11.  Christmas baking and cooking.  STILL TO DO

12.  Goodie bags for the kids' school Christmas parties.  COMPLETE  Last day of school was today and the goodie bags for the other kids and teacher gifts were baked, wrapped, decorated, and out the door this morning.

13.  Husband's office Christmas party.  COMPLETE

14.  Optional vests and bowties for the boys for Christmas Eve - This has had to be cut from the list.  They both have another Christmas Eve outfit ready to go and I do have to get some sleep between now and then.  They will be at the top of the list for after Christmas.

15.  Take the computer to the Apple Store to get it updated/upgraded. - STILL TO DO but I have delegated this task to Husband.

16.  Haul the old, broken swing set from the backyard to the curb.   - STARTED - Turns out that the installer can't get the new play set put up until after New Year's so this doesn't have to be competed right away.  Husband has moved the old one to the back gate but we need to set up a big item pick up with the city before we haul it to the curb.  I doubt the neighbors would like it if we just left it on the curb for all to see for weeks.

17.  Meet the carpet cleaners at my grandmother's house.  COMPLETE  Now we just have to get the professional deep cleaners in there before she gets back in early January.  So this will be back on the new, after Christmas To Do list.

I think I have made really good progress getting everything done.  I've gotten the list down to 7 instead of 17 items.  There is always more to do of course but I'll get it done.  I still have a few days to go.  And what doesn't get done before Christmas will get done after.  I'm not going to stress over it.  I am going to enjoy the holiday with my family and friends.  After all, that is what is important.

How is your Christmas To Do list coming?

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