Sunday, November 4, 2012

Four Little Pumpkins

So much has been going on around here lately that I am woefully behind in posting.  In addition to the regular "goings on" of life with four children , we have had family in from out of town (twice), a weekend on the farm, parent teacher conferences, and dinner parties.  In the midst of all that we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch.  This was something my family always did when I was growing up and is a fun tradition we have continued with our children.  And this year, since my brother and Jessica were home visiting for a few days, they and my parents joined in the fun.  My poor mother was sick so she didn't have quite as much fun as the rest of us but she was a trooper and toughed it out anyway.

As most of you parents out there know, the pumpkin patch is more involved than just picking your very own pumpkin out of the field,although that is an important part of the "experience."  Our pumpkin patch experience also included a small petting zoo, hay bale maze just the right size for the children, sunflower maze for the "older" folks, a corn pit and hay ride. 

Seeing how much he has grown in a year.  

And here he is last year, just for comparison.  Boy he has grown!  And not just taller...he looks so much older than he did last year.

The whole gang.  It is impossible to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time.  

The boys petting the miniature pony.

Some fun in the corn.

Ava had to check out the corn too.

Hay Ride!

And now what we have all been waiting for....time to pick out the perfect pumpkin!

Found it mom!

We all had a fabulous time.  It is days like these that I truly treasure.  No matter how much of a hassle it can be to get the car packed with mud boots, changes of shoes, extra towels for wiping off seats and muddy hands, and those "just in case" items every parent travels with, as well as everyone dressed and out the door, it is so rewarding in the end.  I want to make memories with my children that will last their whole lives.  I want them to remember the family fun and pass it on to their children and grandchildren.  It is worth the "hassle" when you see their little faces like this....

Thanks Pumpkin Patch.  See you next year!


  1. Looks like you all had so much fun. Which patch did you go to? We didn't even make it this year.

  2. Fun! Can NOT believe how much older John David looks!!!
