Friday, April 19, 2013

Another One Bites The Dust

This week I have been waging a war.
A war against a vicious fever/stomach virus that has been going around.

I've been waging the war....and losing horribly.

It started with John David who came down with this mess on Sunday.  The first time he threw up I was hoping it was just extreme exhaustion due to a super packed weekend of ball games, ball practices, grandparents visiting, birthday parties, and church.  I was wrong.  He soon spiked a fever over 102 and felt horrible.  He lay curled up on an extra crib mattress in my bedroom crying and whimpering because he felt so horrible.

I went into disinfectant, hope to keep anyone else from catching this mess, mode.  I have done countless loads of laundry, scrubbed bathrooms, walls, cabinets, floors, everything, in hopes of killing this virus and sparing the other three, and husband and I, from the sickness.  All to no avail.  On Wednesday, Ava woke up from her nap with a fever of 102.  On Thursday, Ella's temp went up to 102.  Both girls have been vomiting.  Oh the joys of motherhood, and the joys of motherhood with a houseful of small children who love to share their germs.

Last night as I was dosing both girls with fever medication and setting out the "puke pots" just in case either got sick during the night, the lyrics of Queen's 80's hit "Another One Bites the Dust" popped into my head.

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

Husband found the song on the internet and played it for me while I laughed and danced the stress off.  I mean, when three of your four children are sick as dogs, you haven't left the house in a week other than to run carpool for the ones that haven't yet gotten sick, you haven't had a full nights sleep in 5 days, what else can you do but laugh and dance to 80's rock music.

Harrison is the lone hold-out among the children and has yet fallen victim to this nasty virus.
Husband and I are fighting hard as well.  
I pray no one else catches it.
I pray I don't catch it.  If mommy gets sick, who will be left to take care of me.

On a positive note, my house is really clean, the laundry is caught up, and I have gotten a decent amount of sewing done this week.  

1 comment:

  1. I hope Mommy doesn´t catch it, too! And Harrison. I don´t think I could handle three six kids, let alone four.
