Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Deep Thoughts ... by the Horton Children

I already blogged about our Mother's Day weekend trip to visit my brother and sister in Cincinnati.  It was a great weekend but it was a long haul.  Four children.  One car.  Over 600 miles. That's just one way.  Over 1200 miles in total.  You can imagine that by the time we got there husband and I were worn out.

We also heard a lot of interesting things, deep thoughts if you will, over those miles in the car.  Here are a few of those deep thoughts courtesy of the Horton children.

"Daddy, I'm not a cow."  Harrison, after only 30 minutes.  I have absolutely no idea where this came from.

"Daddy, there's a goldfish on my neck."  Again Harrison.  He did in fact have a goldfish on his neck left over from eating his lunch.

"Cow, where are you?"  Ella, 2 hours into the drive and completely out of nowhere.

"No, I won't stop it.  You leave me alone."  Ella, almost immediately after the cow comment.  You can tell by this comment she is quite sassy.  We're working on that but, I'm sad to report, don't seem to be making much progress.  Her preschool teacher assures me she doesn't smart off at school.  She saves it for me.  Ahhhh...aren't I lucky.  According to the experts, it is a sign she loves me.

"Happy freaking birthday to me."  Husband's translation of Ava's screaming.  We made the drive on her 4 month birthday and the poor thing isn't a fan of the carseat.

"John David is my brother.  Ava is my sister.  Mommy, I'm out of milk."  Harrison while stopped for dinner in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  I don't know why Ella was left out or what the milk had to do with his thought process but there you go.

Here is a snippet of a conversation between Ella & Harrison at the beginning of the movie Happy Feet when we got back in the car after dinner in Bowling Green

Harrison:    "That penguin is dancing like a master."
Ella:     "No, he is dancing like a princess."

"The monster is biting the penguin.  That isn't nice.  We don't bite."  Ella while watching Happy Feet.

"I want to go see Anna."  John David approximately 63 miles from Louisville, KY.  Thank goodness he wanted to go see his aunt since we were already over 2/3's of the way there.

"I have to put on my white sandals.  I don't want to step on a bumblebee."  Ella's comment as we were getting dressed Saturday morning for my sister's White Coat ceremony.

"I have to get the party started."  Harrison - Saturday night as we were cooking dinner.

"Don't lick your sister."  Me to Harrison who was licking Ava's head on Sunday morning.  Don't ask me why he was licking her.  I have no idea.  I never, in a million years, thought I would have to tell my child to stop licking his sibling.  Yuck!.

"Mommy, I have a burger up my nose.  We don't eat burgers."  Harrison on Monday morning before getting in the car to head home.  Obviously he didn't mean burger but that another "b-word" was up his nose.  He may not have the right word but at least he knows we don't eat them.

And there we have some Deep Thoughts from the Horton children.

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