Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Musical Program

So Tuesday was a big day at our house.  After all the sickness last week and over the weekend, all the children were feeling better.  Thank goodness because Tuesday the twins had their musical program at school.  They were so excited about it and had talked about it for days leading up to the actual event.  All of my children love music and singing.  They play music class with Miss Amy (their music teacher) or children's chapel with Mr. Luke (the children's minister at our church) almost daily.  Needless to say the twins were very excited and as any parent would be, husband and I were excited for their first school program.  I even dressed them in coordinating outfits.  They weren't exact matches but were both green seersucker.  They are twins you know.  Dressing them alike is one of the perks of twins.  And no, they aren't always dressed alike.  That would be too much.  But for special occasions I try.  Actually I try to coordinate all four of the children's clothes for special occasions.  It's cute and actually comes in handy when all are dressed in the same color.  It makes them easier to spot in crowds.  So it is cute and practical.

Anyway, getting back on topic.  The program started at 9:30 and from experience I know you have to get there early to get a good seat.  I thought I was going to be plenty early but stopping for some donut holes (my breakfast on the go) but me a little behind schedule.  It actually worked out well though because a family that had staked out three front row seats for some reason decided to move and I was able to swoop right in and grab them.

Now, neither of the twins is particularly shy or overly attached to my husband or I.  They did perfectly fine the first day of preschool.  No tears.  In fact I was teary because they didn't cry.  Pathetic right.  I was pregnant at the time so I'm going to blame hormones.  they have done fine every day of preschool all year.  The got to children's chapel at church with the rest of the group with no problem.  But, wouldn't you know it, that after talking about and being so excited for days to perform for mommy and daddy, Harrison had a melt down the second he walked into the room and saw me in the front row.  Tears and cries of mommy started immediately.  He ended up spending almost the entire program in my husband's arms.  He says he still performed and sang all of his songs and my husband backs him up on that claim.  I guess he was just doing his own private performance for Daddy.  Ella on the other hand smiled and sang the whole time.  No problem.  They both did great though and were proud of themselves.

Here is Harrison just become he came inside for the program.  He was absolutely fine.  Seconds before he had been making faces up against the window.

And here he is after seeing me.  Poor little guy.

 Here is Ella.  Smiling and singing.  They were demonstrating vocal shapes.

Here is Harrison performing from the safety of Daddy's arms.
After the performance it is time for a treat.

I'm impressed I got one where they are both looking at the cameral.  Small miracle.

All in all, a relatively successful performance.  Now maybe I can put them to work in the movies.  They are definitely cute enough.

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