Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earning My Mommy Stripes

So today was one of those not so glamorous days in the life of this housewife. I'm sure you already realize that my life is not glamorous but today was one of those really not glamorous days where I earned some Mommy Stripes.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays all three of the "big kids" (a.k.a. John David, Ella & Harrison) all go to school. It is just me and Ava on those mornings. Those two mornings a week are really nice. I seem to get much more accomplished on Tuesdays and Thursdays than other days of the week. I try to do my grocery shopping and other errands on those mornings where all three of the older ones are in school. It just makes life easier. Hey...I'm not afraid to take all of them with me, but it goes much faster and smoother if I don't have to.

Anyway, so today I had planned to run some errands and do some scouting around town for supplies for the kids upcoming birthday party. What is the saying from John Steinbeck? "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry." Well, true to form my plans went terribly awry. When Harrison got up this morning he didn't act like his normal, happy self. He seemed extra tired, not super sick, just really sluggish. He didn't want to get dressed and, although he ate a good breakfast, he tried to eat it lying down. He did this a couple of weeks ago too. He was just exhausted from going without a nap while a friend came over to play and being up late due to an event at our church. Yesterday he took a good nap and went to bed pretty much on time so I could figure out why he was so tired this morning. I let him decide if he wanted to go to school or not. He chose not. Even after I told him we weren't going home but were going to run some errands, he still chose not to go. Ms. Cheri, the head of his preschool, told me if he changed his mind, to just bring him back up there, no big deal. Well, that wasn't too be. We didn't even make it out of the parking lot after dropping the other two off in the carpool line than this happened.

Yes that is puke all over his face, and all over the car seat, and car. YUCK! And yes that is a pot he is holding. A puke pot as we affectionately call it at our house. It belongs to my mom. I had planned on running it by her house this morning when I was out running errands so it just happened to be in the car when Harrison got sick.

Needless to say my morning of running errands turned into a morning of giving a bath, doing laundry, and cleaning the car and car seat. Definitely not glamorous! Cleaning puke out of the car has to be one of the worst jobs and getting it out of the car seat is horrible. I'm sure other moms out there will agree with me, but why can't they design a car seat where you can get the cover off without taking the whole blasted thing apart. Right now Harrison's car seat is sitting in my kitchen in pieces. The cover is in the washing machine, all the straps have been washed in the sink and are drying, and the car seat itself has been wiped down. Maybe that is how I will make my fortune. I'll design a car seat that is more user friendly and easy to clean for moments just like this.

Just so everyone knows, Harrison is fine. He hasn't gotten sick again and acts like he is back to feeling 100%. I've been careful with what I've given him to eat. Or let me say, I've tried to be careful but he went and got ice cream out of the freezer while I was trying to feed Ava. Sneaky little guy! Guess he feels better and pray no one else catches it.

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