Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Clown?

Harrison has always been my "helpless" child.  He is super smart and can do things for himself, he just chooses not to.  I can ask him to go get his shoes and socks on and he will instantly say "I can't find them anywhere."  Of course, he hasn't bothered to move from where he was and look for them either.  If I have him try to zip up his jacket or turn off the light in his room he will grunt and say "I can't do it.  It's too hard."  In the mornings when I ask him to go get dressed for school his response is usually, "I can't move.  My legs are straighted."  I know I shouldn't, but depending on how tired I am, I just give in and do whatever it is for him.  I know, I know.  Definitely a bad habit to get into.  I don't want him to be completely helpless his whole life.  I do want him to move out on his own...eventually.

With that in mind, husband and I have been pushing him to do more things by himself, or at least give things an honest try before giving up and asking for help.  And he has made major improvement.  He can buckle his own car seat belts, get himself a snack or a drink, turn the lights off sometimes but given how short he is this one isn't complete laziness on his part, go to the bathroom on his own, and various other tasks, including get himself dressed.

The getting himself dressed thing is a double edged sword however,

Because sometimes he comes down dressed like this

and tells me "Look mom.  I'm not a clown anymore."

My favorite part of the outfit....
the gray dress socks pulled up to his knees.  They go so well with the blue striped t-shirt and plaid shorts.  He is definitely a fashionista in the making....but at least he's not a clown.

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